Bush's RV Travel Journal

Bush's RV Travel Journal

Sunday, December 13, 2015



St. Paul's Chapel, or " The Little Chapel That Stood"
It is the oldest surviving church building in Manhattan. Built in 1766, it was the tallest building in NYC. The chapel survived the Great New York City Fire of 1776 when quarter of NYC burned  during the American Revolutionary War.
George Washington, along with members of the United States Congress, worshipped at St. Paul's on his Inauguration Day, on April 30, 1789.

After the attack on September 11, 2001, St. Paul's Chapel served as a place of rest & refuge for recovery workers at the WTC site.
The fence around the church grounds became the main spot for visitors to place impromptu memorials to the event. After it became filled with flowers, photos, teddy bears, & other paraphernalia, chapel officials decided to erect a number of panels on which visitors could add to the memorial. Estimating that only 15 would be needed in total, they eventually required 400!

For eight months, hundreds of volunteers worked 12- hour shifts around the clock, serving meals, making beds, counseling & praying with fire fighters, construction workers, police & others.

There are no words to describe whats inside this memorial...it will rip out your heart....

 The church survived without a broken window. Church history declares it was spared by a miracle sycamore tree on the NW corner of the property that was hit by debris. I believe it was God standing tall with his arms open to protect what would  be needed to heal the aftermath.

A letter from a 911 operator...can't imagine how she felt.....

On our NY trip we came here first before we went to the 9/11 memorial. It was a heavy day. If you ever have a chance to come..it will change you. I can't explain.... there's no words..........

1 comment:

  1. :( You are so correct when saying how heartbreaking this is! God bless! Safe travels! Thanks for sharing your journey!
